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tar bug?

im running rhel 4 this is only happened once



i create a archive file using tar:


tar -cvf <file>


then the tar was successfuly create the file but in time when i issue the command ls -l the output od the file was


-rwsrwsrwt 1 root root 0 jan 1 1970 whfbhsdvbgfjsdbvkbhbfshvbashbvua???????????????sdfsdg???????




please help about this!





if you do

file filename


what is the output ?


the error message is this


[Image: error.JPG]


this is happen once


Quote:i create a archive file using tar: 

tar -cvf <file></file>
You don't say *what* you're creating the file with - the contents. The command should read something like:


tar cvf homedirs.tar /home

I'm guessing you've created a tarfile containing the current directory, which contains the tarfile itself, which... etc.


An alternative thought: can you run tar tf FILENAME to look at the contents of the file?


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