2008-10-27, 04:54 PM
I have a Damn Small Linux Box that I use in my car, its an Pentium 2 with 256MB ram and nothing but the Harddrive, Mobo and the built in soundcard/videocard
I don't use a monitor and XMMS plays my music library on start-up, I control everything with a Keyboard
I have 2 questions
1)is there a way to disable services so that DSL boots faster?
I don't need it searching for ethernet devices on start-up and such it takes 1 min 37 seconds to boot (a lot of that time is the ancient bios loading and waiting 15 seconds for the grub to selct DSL) I have already disabled all POST stuff and disabled everything in the BIOS but keyboard and HDD.
2) also is there a way to create my own keyboard map?
I hate having a large keyboard in my car just to change tracks/shuffle ect, is there a method to use a USB number keypad and remap it so that "x"=1, "c"=2 ect ect
or how about away to create custom keyboard short-cuts in XMMS though I'd need a new way to shut down DSL...
I'm all ears and up for suggestions