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Running Ubuntu -> Flashing Screen

Hello there,


First of all, let me apologize for my poor English. I'm not a native English speaker.


My problem is as follows:


I just downloaded Ubuntu 9.04 because I have an old PC standing on my desk an I figured, I could finally give Linux a try. After burning the ISO to a disk and booting it up, I get a weird 'flashing' screen. Flashing perhaps is not the right word, it's more like the image is shifting left to right (or right to left for that matter) very rapidly.


When i put my mouse (which btw is shown just as it should) over the top left corner I can (barely) see a menu coming down. Just because the screen gets a little lighter in that part.


Can someone tell me what to do? I already used the 'Check for errors' (or whatever it's called in English) method in the startup screen and nothing came up.


Thanks in advance!


P.S. I'm using 'boot from disk' mode, not an installed version.


Your English seems absolutely fine to me! :)


This indicates that the video isn


you have great english! no need to worry,


as regards your problem, as hybrid says please give us info on the graphics card and monitor, be careful not to leave the system in this state for long as it may damage the video card chip


First of all, thanks for the quick replies and your kind compliments ;)


My Graphicscard is a RADEON 9200 SERIES. Screen is a Samsung Syncmaster 17" . The processor is a AMD Athlon XP 2800+ (I don't know if it's of any interest to you...).


I currently don't have access to the PC, since I'm staying somewhere away from home.


I'm looking forward to your reply!


Thanks in advance!

Oops, i accidentally reposted. My bad.

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