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ProFTPd - handy links


Good place to get started.


I thought these links were a good thing to add for now.


is the ProFTPd use GUI interface?


i know that vsftpd is not a GUI


I think you might can install a gui for it but I wouldnt know. I have better luck in the command line interface. I use linux for server stuff only and do not care about gui's or desktop versions of anything.



When in doubt google it or better yet [/url][url=] it

Hey everyone i'm running proftpd on fedore core 2 and i unziped it all in the main directory and have no idea how to install it. Cant find what is the right readme and hoping someone can alberate better cause after all i'm a noob.

easy answer.. use the rpm.. if you have apt-get its as easy as


apt-get update && apt-get install proftpd


if not


rpm -ivh [/url][url=]


then run the following commands to get it running


chkconfig proftpd on

service proftpd start


fedora is rpm based.. you should almost never install anything from source unless you really need to or know what you are doing :)


Quote:... you should almost never install anything from source unless you really need to or know what you are doing :)


thats.. thats.. eureka.. i knew i should be installing from source all this time... :P


I want to configure this progarm to give a particaular user access to the web folder /var/www/html so he can do updates to the folder.. how do i do this ?


I have proftpd 1.2 on FC4

if im remembering right, all that usr has to do is have either ownership or group privs for the dir in question. so chmod and chown would be where to start.

Quote:I want to configure this progarm to give a particaular user access to the web folder /var/www/html so he can do updates to the folder.. how do i do this ? 

I have proftpd 1.2 on FC4

its all about the permissions, so all you need to do is add the user to the web group (for instance my 'web' group is apache).


# usermod -G web `groups user | cut -d':' -f2-` user


that adds 'web' to the existing list of groups that the 'user' has. as long as the directory and files have permissions for the web group to edit it will work..


# chgrp -R web /var/www/html
# chmod -R g=rw /var/www/html


that alters the group to be web and alters the permissions to give read write access to the group.


This is what I used to do and I am not sure if its right or wrong but always worked.



To add a user for ftp purpose only so they can log into their home dir and nothing else and upload and download.




useradd -m -k /dev/null -s /sbin/nologin {username}



for web use


useradd -d /var/www/html/{username} -m -k /dev/null -s /sbin/nologin {username}


To remove the user:


userdel {username}


to delete the user and all thier stuff:


userdel -r {username}


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