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Make yourself a notes file to keep documentation on changes you made on your system or just general notes about commands and things.


I created a file called notes.txt at /var/notes.txt and when I want to add to it simply do this



[digerati@rh9 /]$ cat >> /var/notes.txt

type something and hit ctrl d when finished.


Since this >> appends to the file I like to add a # sign before the actual typing like:



[digerati@rh9 /]$ cat >> /var/notes.txt


type something and hit ctrl d when finished.

I believe the ">>" only adds to the bottom of the file? Correct? Anychance we can get it to add to the top? Newest first?

" >> " is append meaning append to the end of the file.


I dunno how to get it to the top of the file. Not yet anyways....

Appending to the end of a file makes sense. Since that way you can use a simple 'tail' to see the recent changes you have made to your notes file.

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