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uninstall rpm's
i don't understand your point, what are you trying to do ?

Quote:i don't understand your point, what are you trying to do?

I was not able to quickly find it again, but I seem to remember reading something about you should not install wine root. Since it handles windoze software windoze viruses, malware, greyware, etc. can infect the core and bring Linux down. That is what I was trying to get at.


Okay, a point of clarification here:


Ordinary users can download and compile programs (usually a .tar.gz or .tgz archive) in their own area (their home directory). They can run these programs as themselves, but nobody else can run them - unless the owner (that user) gives them necessary permissions and privs to do so.


Root users (or users with root-level privs) can download and compile programs as an ordinary user, but put the completed executables into a public area for ANYONE to run. Both "yum" and "rpm" programs do something similar, but instead of compiling they download pre-compiled files which are then put into the public areas. This is regarded as "installing software".


I think what you are wanting to do is to extract and run wine as an ordinary user. Strictly speaking, this isn't "installing" software, but you were on the right lines. You don't run an install program, you'll need to use something like "make" then "make install". If you extract the downloaded file into a directory structure, you should find a README file somewhere there that will have relevant instructions.


Hope that helps!


Quote:Not sure exactly what you’re asking here — I think it’s more important to be concerned with which user wine is running under, not where it is installed. If you’re not running wine program.exe while logged in directly as root or using su -, then you are only giving wine and the program running under it your privileges, not root’s and this is more secure.


On an RPM-based system like Fedora, you can get a list of all the RPM packages installed by running this (as root):


rpm -qa



There will likely be a lot of entries, so you may want to pipe it to less so you can scroll down through the list at your own pace with spacebar:


rpm -qa | less


(then press q when you want to exit less).


It's been a while. I just used

rpm -qa | less

and that gave me a list of 1306 items installed root. There are two that I tried to get in, because a couple websites I frequent said I was missing a plug-in. When I when to their site's they had multiple options. I downloaded the one that look the most correct and did a "Force Install." Those sites still say, "missing plug-in." When I download another one from their site and try to install it responds, "Already Installed."


Two of them are:

How do I uninstall or delete root?


Thanks in advance!



I have an AMD AM2 CPU, 4GB RAM, Linux Fedora 11.

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