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So happy!

Well, screenshots will be posted in a matter of an hour. I finally got X to start up with KDE in gentoo... only took me about a week.


What I had to do: import the X86Config file from redhat 9. Initialize agpgart (or whatever) support. Tweak it so it would load the fonts right. Run xfs, emerge KDE and I am set.


So happy!

a week? :)should only take about 24 hours from stage1 .....
why the hell do you guys torture yourself with that distro?

About a a year ago I decided to use gentoo on my p2 webserver after hearing all these great claims about speed gains due to a completely compiled distro built for your system. So i happily installed gentoo and found it was somehow slower. I didn't tweak with any compiler options, I just wanted to see how the default install when. I even started with a stage1 install and did the whole bootstrap thing.


I have an identical system i installed slackware 8.1 i believe and the slackware box out performs the gentoo box.


I'm sure it all comes down to compiler tweaks but having gentoo on a p2 sucks. I hate it I hate it I hate it!. upgrading takes forever!


why don't you edit /etc/make.conf before you bootstrap? because it toally defeats the whole purpose of gentoo if you don't edit that file and add some things to the -USE ....


and I'm sure it would suck on a p2. that's a lot more patience than I have ...


Gentoo is a different distro. I believe full heartedly that it is slightly faster because of all the compiling. However, I didn't like the fact that it does take a week, if you are not constantly at your computer to install on anything less that a PIII.


Due to that restraint I agree that the distro isn't anything to get in a hype over unless you are running it on a Dual P4 with 2 gb of ram, of course, if you have a system like that, why care about a little speed, I don't think it will bother it too much.


Again, I loved Gentoo after it was installed, I thought it ran wonderful, but the initial pain of setting it up was... well, a pain. Just my two or three cents. [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_dry.png[/img]


psssshhhh .....


it's ok, we were all a boob at one time or another. My first install took a couple of days, but on the second try, I had started from a stage1, finished X, and gnome by the time I went to bed the next night ....



pretty impressive eh? :)

shit, I'm drunk and forgot to login. :)
anything that takes a full day to install, especially after doing it before, is more trouble than its worth.

ahhh you're just a hater because gentoo > redhat




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