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apt-get kernel 2.6

Quote:Hi there, I wonder if someone could say why this has happened, I have updated Ubuntu Ibex to the Ubuntu Jaunty version via the update manager only the kernel says its still Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-14-generic, can I change this and how would l do that, feel like I read my eyes out! now I'm near to Boot and Nuke....thought I'd ask first.

The kernel saying that it isn't updated could be that the kernel is restricted from updating (not uncommon). Therefore you need to specify an upgrade to the kernel manually:

apt-get update kernel


Then reboot into the new kernel.


The unrelated problem to your kernel upgrade and is more likely a personal alteration gone wrong. The /home/china/.bashrc is a personal configuration file for the user "china".


I suggest that you either edit the file and fix the problem or simply move the file out of the way:

mv /home/china/.bashrc /home/china/bashrc-old


As suggested by the problem, the line 102 (end of the file) is where the problem is detected. You are missing a " quote somewhere inside the file.


Thanks man, I'm kinda getting into this "he says"


I still ain't got much to add! if you could see past how little I know about Linux and help like this I'm sure we'll have it all sorted out in no time.

I'm am interested in building my own kernel and a new OS is only a format away! Only why do we do this apart from its new. I say my PCs online before it goes to the BIOS call and boots or are they all like this ? Put me right where I'm wrong.


My question! will making my own kernel this side of the fence make the pc mine or will I forever be connected to an unknowing force from the

udi:/org/freedesktop/hal/devices/net and still getting messed with I wonder :-P


I pay for a 10mb line from Virgin but it may aswell be on 28k sometimes I don't mind sharing if thats what they call it but their not having it all! Its not the PC I don't believe yet as I've had better off SKYs free 1mb phone line.


Also how would I make the mouse tell me its not a mac mouse, I would really like to learn how to edit the system only I need someone to say look open such and such and faint in there dude. If I don't know soon I'm off to learn to juggle....


Thanks again for the help.


Just relating my experiences...

I recently build a Ubuntu 10.10 box (logan) from a unetbootin image (boot from USB pen), then used apt-get to install apps I was missing as well as updating current packages to their newer counterparts, but came across something interesting: one of my other boxes (neptune), updated to the hilt, had kernel version 2.6.35-31-generic... however after an "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade" to bring all the packages up to their latest, logan was still on 2.6.35-22. Weird.


I could run "apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.35-31" (and also linux-headers-2.6.35-31-generic) which would bring the newer kernel down, but after a reboot I was still on 2.6.35-22.


Eventually I fathomed out the issue, which required two things to be done:

<ol style="list-style-type: decimal">
[*]Install linux-image-2.6.35-31-generic

[*]Run "update-grub".


The second command rebuilds your grub.cfg, but the "10_linux" script which adds kernel images to the boot loader only finds them if the "linux-image" package is installed, so consequently any manually-installed kernels were being overlooked previously.


Once I'd put the right package in place (the install of which re-ran "update-grub" automatically) a reboot showed the newer kernel in use, and the older ones could be cleared out with "apt-get remove linux-headers-2.6.35-22" etc.


Just surprised that an "apt-get upgrade" didn't bring down newer kernels, but hope those are pointers for anyone who wants to do kernel updates.

Sometimes I have had problems with Ubuntu boxes that won't update the kernels via apt-get update/upgrade commands. I often see the kernel packages with the message "the following packages have been kept back". Oddly, running the Update Manager graphically does update the packages, but apt-get over the command line doesn't. It's odd, and I haven't yet found a solution other than manually installing the new kernel packages.
okay.. interesting.. I may try the graphical updater next, see what that does.

You might be interested to know that I ran into this issue again recently on 11.10 x86 -- most of the updates ran fine via apt-get update, then apt-get upgrade, but the kernel (and in this instance, Evolution packages) were 'kept back' and were only offered properly by the graphical updater.


It's a really odd issue, and I don't know a way, from the command line, to unmark the packages to be 'kept back' without additional software (I seem to recall that wajig unhold would work, but it's an extra package to have installed).


<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_01_2012/post-1019-0-55359000-1327485551.png" data-fileid="1340">[img]<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_01_2012/post-1019-0-55359000-1327485551.png[/img]</a>

Attached Files
.png   kept_back_crop.png (Size: 167.49 KB / Downloads: 276)

I found that apt-cache search kernel would show me the newer kernels, and apt-get install of the later "linux-header" package would force the others as dependencies. But you're right that, as a manual process, an upgrade from the command line ought to have fixed this.




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