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fedora install hangs at docbook
im installing fedora core 1 on a laptop and it hangs at installing docbook-dtds- - any idea? completely clean install, all defaults... any ideas?

have you tried doing the CD MEDIA check


if not, do it





cd check checks out ok (i was hoping it would be that easy :)).

the only time i have ever seen it hanging when copying roms which is what it is doing, is bad cd media


try the same cd on another machine if you can,


are you sure you did the CD media check that you are prompted to do when you boot from the cd ?


also, exactly what stage does it hang ?


during the kernel boot ? during copying of files ? if so, what percentage has it done and is it on cd1 2 or 3





i had checked the first cd and as soon as you suggested checking the others i did exactly that. im trying to figure out what this package does and if i can avoid installing it if i do a custom install. once it hangs, i have to reboot, i then tried an upgrade install which seemed to go ok, but when i rebooted, no OS was found (ie, the bootloader wasn't even found).
just to follow up, when i did a custom install and deselected everything except the base OS and gnome, the install went fine (however i browsed through the other default packages and didnt see the component causing the problem). at least im up and running now.

just to let you know i had a similar problem ages ago, in the end, burning a new cd solved it








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