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Getting my pc ready for Battlefield 3

I decided I still want to game every now and then so I start looking at some hardware to get my pc ready for BF3. And

I got some pretty nice hardware and will hopefully be good for at least a year or so :)







Do any of you game btw? [img]<___base_url___>//public/style_emoticons/default/wink.png[/img]


i game when i get the chance which is rare sadly o my gaming system is an old xps 600 with 4gb ram, nvidia something video card, but it plays the games i like like battlefield 1942/desert combat


my eldest son will be getting bf3 so if it's fantastic, then who knows....


Quote:i game when i get the chance which is rare sadly o my gaming system is an old xps 600 with 4gb ram, nvidia something video card, but it plays the games i like like battlefield 1942/desert combat


my eldest son will be getting bf3 so if it's fantastic, then who knows....

I'll post a view screenshots once it comes out so I can convince you to buy it too. But if course your son should be more convincing then me :P

So I had a nice weekend of playing some Bad Company 2 and Crysis 2 running on my new hardware. Now updating my CentOS 6 again :)

Damn.. running it on CentOS? That's sound!


I used to run a Unreal Tournament server years back (UT99 and 2K4) on Linux, and a few gamers ran Linux clients natively. Was a great deal of fun, especially with Teamspeak to allow us to trash-talk each other.


Quote:Damn.. running it on CentOS? That's sound!


I used to run a Unreal Tournament server years back (UT99 and 2K4) on Linux, and a few gamers ran Linux clients natively. Was a great deal of fun, especially with Teamspeak to allow us to trash-talk each other.

I used to play UT99 and 2k4 fun games. I dualboot, I do everything on CentOS, and I use windows to game every now and then.

or were you talking about my hardware? :P But I'm good for the next year or two don't need anymore hardware anytime soon.

My pc runs like jet now :)

btw I decided to quit gaming and I deleted windows. Only running Linux now. So now I insane hardware and a kick ass video card running on linux LOL.
My new box is going to be quite powerful, so I'm going to look at gaming through WINE on it in some regard (if I ever get the time...)

Quote:My new box is going to be quite powerful, so I'm going to look at gaming through WINE on it in some regard (if I ever get the time...)

Souns like fun :)What games are you going to be trying out via wine? I decided to quit gaming because it takes up too much time

and I want to spend that time learning and trying out stuff in linux, which has more use for me in the future then gaming does.

Quote:<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentcommentid="15327" data-ipsquote-username="Dungeon-Dave" data-cite="Dungeon-Dave" data-ipsquote-timestamp="1320224962" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="4144" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> My new box is going to be quite powerful, so I'm going to look at gaming through WINE on it in some regard (if I ever get the time...)
Souns like fun :)What games are you going to be trying out via wine? 

Probably FEAR, Medal of Honour and Painkiller - I used to enjoy playing the latter and there's many add-on packs I've never played.


I decided to quit gaming because it takes up too much time and I want to spend that time learning and trying out stuff in linux, which has more use for me in the future then gaming does.


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