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i need someone to design two ad's for linux-noob

the ad's must meet the following criteria


Quote:Ad SizesThe Company offers a variety of ad sizes, some with different rates, and in some cases displayed on different kinds of pages. The Company supports IAB standard ad sizes and standard image/rich media formats.


Our primary ad format is the industry's most used size, 468x60 pixels. This ad shows on all pages of The Company, in a very prominent position, right next to the The Company logo. File size should not exceed 15 KB.


The 300x250 or 336x280 size ads on The Company display in the content of an expanded article (not the teaser, but at the web page that includes the whole article). The ad aligns on the right side of the actual text and they are probably the most prominent ads one can hope for. File size should not exceed 25 KB.


The 120x600 "skyscraper" size is the biggest size we offer. This ad shows on the left hand sidebar, on all long pages, such as the front page and on reader's comment pages (only when the number of comments have exceeded the 10 comments at that page). Though this size is large, it displays "below the fold" or further down the page, so it's more affordable. File size should not exceed 20 KB. We also offer 120x300 and 120x500 sized ads in the same space. Contact us for details.


The stamp size 88x31 ad is like a button, but it can be animated. This ad is to be displayed just before the 120x600 vertical ad, and therefore appears on pages where the 120x600 ads appear. The 88x31 ad is offered at a flat rate for the whole month. File size should not exceed 3 KB.


There are opportunities for unconventional ads and promotions, such as topic sponsorship, sponsored surveys, contests and giveaways, text ads, "advertorials" (an editorial written by an executive at a company that wants to promote its product, labeled as such), and other types of sponsorship. Please contact us for details.

i'll be very grateful to anyone who can produce an EFFECTIVE, CLEAN SIMPLE advertisement for [/url][url=]


thanks in advance






Here's some ads I made. 468x60.


Have fun!


these are really great, thanks very much, i'll see if anyone else contribs ! if not i'll use one of these


thanks again






I just have to say I really like those ads...


wicked sweet




me too, so please come on dudes, which advertisement will i use


please reply here






i think i'll go for this one seeing as no one else really thinks/contributes otherwise :)






many thanks to Melray for his EXCELLENT work, great ad's in such a short period of time, i'm very impressed.






Made one more, I think it's my favorite. Although problem.gif is nice too.



Ugh, board gave me a Mail Error! or something. Sorry for the double post.
i wish i could change my vote i like the linuxnoob.gif one the best. that one is leet

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