2005-01-08, 11:11 AM
hi, i am trying to access my unix shell account through ftp and ssh, but i couldn't.
i am on FC2. and this what happens:
[q8knight@localhost q8knight]$ ftp shell.reverse.net
Connected to shell.reverse.net (
220 c3p0.reverse.net FTP server (Version 6.00LS) ready.
Name (shell.reverse.net:q8knight): cookies
it looks like the user login didn't complete. i don't why, i entered my username then press RETURN/ENTER and nothing happen and i can write whatever i want:
Connected to shell.reverse.net (
220 c3p0.reverse.net FTP server (Version 6.00LS) ready.
Name (shell.reverse.net:q8knight): cookies
linux nooooooooooob
So i have to close the terminal because it doesn't respond perfectly, also i can not access the ssh:
[q8knight@localhost q8knight]$ ssh -l cookies shell.reverse.net
cookies@shell.reverse.net's password:
Permission denied, please try again.
cookies@shell.reverse.net's password:
first time i typed incorrect password and it asked me again then i typed it correctly but nothing happened and no respond
btw, am connecting through dsl router