Poll: do you like the recent site changes
i love the new IPB 2.x forums, well done !
it's better !
nice job, but the ad's suck
i preferred the old IPB 1.31 forums
it sucks
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do you like the site changes ?

the site was updated over the last few days,


the forums (invision power board) were updated from 1.31 to 2.0.x

google 'adsense' ad's were added to the site to brng in needed revenue.

the sites logo has been changed from the old redhat one to something more nooby and penguin friendly, plus it will update itself every day or so, thanks go to Melray (QwErTy on #linux-noob) for developing these logos.


and thats about it,


what do you think ?


vote ! and comment too :)






It's better I think, but the google-ads are a little 'in the way'. Although, that's no big problem :)

The new logo's are also nice :)


Its very good anyweb, linux-noob.com has always been good so now its just better.


QwErTy did a good job on the logo too, I like it.. :)


Yes it's very nice =)





Quote:It's better I think, but the google-ads are a little 'in the way'. Although, that's no big problem The new logo's are also nice

I agree, the ads are taking up space but, as i pay for everything that you know as 'linux-noob.com' i think i'm entitled to make something out of it, if nothing else, to help towards the cost of the internet it's hosting on.


I'd rather it be ad-free but no one clicked on the paypal donation link unless i begged them to, and that was for the ad-run on osnews.com


in other words, the site has not been paying for itself, and needs to do so.





Yes, I like the new look its alot better then the last and i am happy you have the ad to pay for linux noob I hope you get lots of cash from it lol :)

I like the new invision, it looks nicer and it NEW! heh.


More control there :)


Good work Anyweb


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