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site downtime

hi guys


sorry about the site downtime (a few hours today)


due to the electricity cutting out several times in a row over the space of two hours due to a snow storm here in Sweden.


hopefully things should stabilise now,


ps. if anyone would care to donate and ship an UPS to me then please let me know (one that can power a pc for up to 30 minutes or so)


let me know if you can, it would support a good cause (this site !) and it would power a smoothwall server (regular PC)


mucho's gracias to anyone who can, and of course i'll make sure you are rewarded ;)




hey, i can send you an ups that can keep up to 60 mins

contact me on irc. :)


thanks Kobras dude !


by the way, the storm is gathering pace again so the site may be down again tonite,


hopefully not but its snowing like mad and the wind is picking up again :(






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