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Default password for VNC on Debian Starge



I installed debian starge on my server the other day, and also installed vncserver (or if it came with debian by default ..) on it. However, now that i try to reach it from outside, i get the password prompt of course. And thats then i struck me that i never got the option to choose a password for vncserver ...


So is there some default password for vnc that i can use? Cause i can connect to it, but i dont know the password hehe :)

Maybe theres no password set, so just try pressing <ENTER> at the password prompt otherwise you could try 'dpkg-reconfigure vncserver' and see if it will ask you for a PW.



The vncserver password you should of been asked for when setting it up for a user

if you login normal text mode or open a shell and type vncserver you will be asked

for a password as shwon below:



You will require a password to access your desktops.



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