2011-11-06, 06:06 PM
I got logwatch installed and working. I've also installed fail to ban and started the service. Still working on configuring it. I found out that I should be able to configure fail2ban to filter and ban per log. I found this in the fail2ban documention : at the bottom
<strong>Under CentOS / RedHat Enterprise Linux, httpd (Apache) is </strong><strong>not compiled with tcpwrappers support</strong><strong>. As a result the example in jail.conf called "apache-tcpwrapper" does not work since /etc/hosts.deny does not affe</strong>ct apache.
Mean that the filter [apache-tcpwrapper] won't work for me. So I did a bit of search and come across centos-fail2ban and seem they are using it there. So I'll just try to use it and configure it and see what the results are. But just strange two documentations saying two different things.