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Connecting Multiple Hard Drives



Here is what I did. I went into Qpart to collect data. Following is the data I collected.

I hope this information will help you help me

Yes I want to mount a Windows partition in Lunux under the directory I just created (/media/LinuxSwitch) or(/mnt/LinuxSwitch). What would be better?


Thank you,




/dev/sda1 ext3 /boot

/dev/sda2 LVM2 (data)

(unallocated) 2.49 MiB


/dev/sdb1 NTFS LinuxSwitch

(unallocated) 2.49 MiB


/dev/sdc1 ext2 /boot

/dev/sdc2 LVM2 (data)

(unallocated) 4.09 MiB


Why does it seem like I have two Linux installs?


Because you have two /boot partitions. if it's a usb drive mount under /media if it's a partition on an internal hard drive

I would do /mnt but don't think it matters much. just what you prefer.


Quote:Yes I want to mount a Windows partition in Lunux under the directory I just created (/media/LinuxSwitch) or(/mnt/LinuxSwitch). What would be better?
/media/LinuxSwitch is probably better. /mnt ought to be left for emergency mounts nowadays (the Unix model).


Quote:/dev/sdb1 NTFS LinuxSwitch


[root@localhost ~]#  mount /dev/sdb1 /media/LinuxSwitch

.. ought to do the trick.


Thank you! That worked!


Should I put that in /media fstab?


Is there any way we can share privet messages? I have some questions that do not apply to duel-boot.




Quote:Thank you! That worked!


Should I put that in /media fstab?
You should add an entry into /etc/fstab if you want it to come online at each boot.


Quote:I have some questions that do not apply to duel-boot.
You have permissions to start a new topic in the relevant forum. Posting Linux support questions publicly allows others to learn from the information therein.


What's the deal? I put “mount /dev/sdb1 /media/LinuxSwitch” in /ect/fstab as you recommended. I modified fstab under /media and /mnt to the same thing. LinuxSwitch still comes up unmounted when I boot up. The reason fstab are still under /media and /mnt is because when I click on them and hit the Delete key it gives me the dialog box asking what I want to do. When I click on Delete it responds, “Error while deleting...Error removing file: Permission denied” What do I need to do?


This is what it looks like under /etc:

/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 / ext3 defaults 1 1

UUID=115e69cd-198c-4cd1-b69c-93910c772dd1 /boot ext3 defaults 1 2

tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0

devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0

sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0

proc /proc proc defaults 0 0

/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 swap swap defaults 0 0

mount /dev/sdb1 /media/LinuxSwitch

(there is a blank line here)




The entry in /etc/fstab has to be in a slightly different format to when you run mount directly from the command line:


# device    mount point        fs type      options     archiving  fsck
/dev/sdb1  /media/LinuxSwitch   ntfs-3g      defaults   0          0


Let's take a look at the columns in a bit more detail, so you understand why they are there:
  • device -- the device node, exactly the same as when you run mount from the command line

  • mount point -- the folder in which you want this disk's contents to appear. Again, the same as the command line.

  • fs type -- the filesystem type. When you run mount from the command line, it can autodetect. Here, we'll suggest to use the ntfs-3g driver, because it is an NTFS partition.

  • options -- all sorts of options can be set for how to mount the partition (for example, you could set 'ro' to make it read only, if that's what you wanted). Here we use defaults.

  • archiving -- we're not particularly interested in this. Some systems might use this to determine when to make copies of the filesystems for archiving or backups.

  • fsck -- whether and when to check the file system for errors. 0 is off.

If you edit the /etc/fstab file so that your LinuxSwitch line reads as above, instead of being the mount command, you should have more luck with getting the disk mounted when the system boots.


Quote:I modified fstab under /media and /mnt to the same thing.
I have no idea why you're doing that. Linux looks at the fstab file under /etc to determine what to mount, as stated in an earlier post:

Quote:You should add an entry into /etc/fstab if you want it to come online at each boot.

Quote:LinuxSwitch still comes up unmounted when I boot up.
Because you added the mount command, rather than added an entry into /etc/fstab - the existing entries (or Hybrid's post above) should have given some indication as to the format of that file.


Quote:The reason fstab are still under /media and /mnt is because when I click on them and hit the Delete key it gives me the dialog box asking what I want to do. When I click on Delete it responds, “Error while deleting...Error removing file: Permission denied”
This is the reason why they're still there... but I'm not certain why you created them there.


Quote:What do I need to do?
The reverse of what you did to create them ought to remove them.

Have you examined the permissions/owner of those files?




As for, "fsck -- whether and when to check the file system for errors. 0 is off."


What would be the reason to have it off?





In this case, I suggested to switch it off because this is an NTFS filesystem. I'm sure Windows chkdsk can take care of it, and there's no sense in checking it in two places without reason. :)

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