yeah im new to the linux field and i was wondering what was the easiest to install and work with. i was recently trying to get debian but i couldnt get the links to work. if at all possible could someone post up some links or some suggestions on a os. thanks.
which linux distro should I choose and why ?
I would definately say try out fedora core release X. (X changes every 6 months or so, go for the newest version) its definately the most user friendly, and has the most support.. [/url][url=] and its free of course!
2005-07-29, 06:35 PM
alright im downloading fedora now....hopefully ill get to install by tonight. thanks again.
2005-07-29, 06:36 PM
you use irc? any efnet server, join up to #linux-noob most everyone that posts on this board are there.
2005-08-11, 04:56 PM
This is an age-old question... which distro is best. The answer is always, "It depends". For someone new to Linux, who just wants to see what it's all about and not screw up their current computer configuration, I'd recommend one of the live CD distributions. Of the live CD's (they're called live CD's because the operating system runs from the CD, usually loaded into RAM, and not from the hard drive) the one I'd recommend to start with is DSL DSL webpage. It's a very small download (less than 60meg). Download the ISO, burn it to a CD, boot from the CD. You're up and running under Linux (DSL is a Debian type configuration). Once you get your feet wet you can decide which of the Big Gun distros you really want and need. Just my opinion. Good luck. Quote:yeah im new to the linux field and i was wondering what was the easiest to install and work with. i was recently trying to get debian but i couldnt get the links to work. if at all possible could someone post up some links or some suggestions on a os. thanks.
2005-08-19, 03:16 PM
Personally I say Ubuntu. It's a user friendly version of debian that comes on one cd. Nice, sleek, and small. Link -> [/url][url=] Debian is NOT a newbie oriented distribution. It is designed for flexibility and power. Ease of use only comes if you are an experienced Linux user.
2005-08-19, 09:34 PM
if you are patient then you can get the ubuntu cd's free they sent me a pack of 10 live cd's and 10 install cds. cool stuff too check it out [/url][url=] free cheers anyweb Quote:yeah im new to the linux field and i was wondering what was the easiest to install and work with. i was recently trying to get debian but i couldnt get the links to work. if at all possible could someone post up some links or some suggestions on a os. thanks.I'm new here, sorry if this has been said before, or doesn't apply. Give "SimplyMEPIS" ago. [] Debian based, KDE desktop[gnome too], all the applications a new linux user needs, Firefox, Openoffice, Gimp, Kmail [it is easy to install Thunderbird or Evolution], Xine, Xmms,digicam, Samba and more... Comes on 1 live CDrom, can be downloaded from many places, or order on line. Install time, 15 minutes on new PC [AMD64 +3000-512mb-80gHDD] or about 45-60 minutes on older hardware. Needs at least 2.5g HD, 128meg RAM, 300mhz CPU to be usable. The install is done once you have booted the computer from the CDrom. Booting from the CD will take you to a fully working desktop [with applications ready to use] that can be used with out touching your current setup or even needing a HDD [runs in memory only] allowing you to test things, see if you hardware is detected etc or just to use for normal PC use, surf the internet, write letters, listen to music etc. To install you click on a link/icon on the desktop and the GUI installer starts, 1 reboot and the bliss begins. More info and download links. [/url] MEPIS Forums [url=] happy Debian user loving MEPIS setup, it is SimplyMEPIS bliss NH
2006-07-16, 04:06 PM
what about Gentoo or Archlinux..
2006-07-16, 04:55 PM
I wouldnt recommend Gentoo to a linux noob, it's certaintly not noob-friendly and I have no idea about archlinux either, if a noob is about to try linux for the first time i'd advise them to chose a popular, well supported, easy to install distro like (in no preferred order) * ubuntu * fedora core * suse linux (opensuse) all of the above are well documented, well supported both via official and non-official forums and relatively easy to get installed/working cheers anyweb |
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