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Linux is slow

No data to back up. Haven't really done anything in it.


I am concerned about the wireless network card though. I'll just wait and see for now.



Installing Ubuntu now. Here's how I set things up...


2.1 gig drive (master/IDE1) ext3 mounted at /

6.4 gig drive (slave/IDE1) ext3 mountat at /home

CDROM (master/IDE2)

2.1 gig drive (slave/IDE2) swap ... Yep the whole thing is swap based on the "at least 512 mb for swap" comment earlier.


I'll let you know how things work out.


Thanks for all the help.


Well install will not complete.


No matter what I try I get an error on copying remaining packages. When I select that from the list, I says I need 400 meg more in /var even if I mount the 6.4 gig drive at /var.


Any ideas?


OK... do the following:

1. Make your 6.4 GB drive master and 2.1 GB drive slave on IDE1. Leave IDE2 intact. You'll see why soon.

2. Partition as follows:


6.4 gig drive (master/IDE1) reiserfs mount at at /

2.1 gig drive (slave/IDE1) reiserfs mounted at /home

CDROM (master/IDE2)

2.1 gig drive (slave/IDE2) swap


I highly recommend using reiserfs because it is faster and less prone to getting corrupt. The makers claim it's "un-corruptable," but I think that there's always that chance, eh? ;)


You're getting that error because you've cramped all your stuff into the 2.1 GB drive, which I know Ubuntu cannot survive on. /var on my computer takes up about 693 MB, so how much room would that leave for the entire installation? Very little!


I know you're probably getting frustrated with Linux and that you just might go back to Windows, but hang in there -- this frustration is a learning experience, and you could come out a victor!!!


/home is going to have to be bigger than 2.1 Gig. So that's not really an option.


I finally gave up and rebooted and started the install completely over, when I got back to partitioning I didn't get the error anymore. But I got a different weird error saying it couldn't configure apt. I rebooted again and went through the whole install again and didn't get the apt error. Bizzar if you ask me, problems shouldn't just go away without reason.


Anyway, when I left it this morning it had been upacking stuff for almost an hour and was still going. I'll let you know how things worked out.


If 2.1 gig ain't going to be enough I'll copy the stuff off home onto the 2.1 gig drive. Unmount /home repartition it with a 1 gig partition for /var. Remount /home and mount the second partition at /mnt/var copy /stuff from /home back into home and /var to /mnt/var delete /var unmount /mnt/var and remount the new partition at /var. Then fix the fstab table. That should do it right?


That's assuming everything got installed alright which I'm not sure it did.


Your workaround looks very complex! [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png[/img]


Anyways, if you can actually get the system working with only 2.1 GB allocated for binaries and all, you will definitely earn my envy because it takes me a 6 GB drive for a system that can serve as a decent desktop system (includes swap).


I have found that /var takes up a good bit of space, so if your current setup doesn't work, try this:


2.1 gig drive (master/IDE1) reiser mounted at /

6.4 gig drive (slave/IDE1) reiser mountat at /home

CDROM (master/IDE2)

2.1 gig drive (slave/IDE2): 512 MB swap and mount the rest in /var. Be sure to use reiser.


Mutter I really don't want to reinstall if I don't have to.


It took hours. I was shocked. FC4 took only a fraction of the time. And I still don't know if it worked. I guess I'll know in a couple hours after I get off work.


Maybe I can work out the partitions without reinstalling. Just repartition the third drive and put /var on it. Yeah I can probably do that. Cept I'm already using ext3 not reiser. Maybe I should bite the bullet and try again. Or try FC4 again without the RAID stuff.




I'm new here, sorry if this has been said before, or doesn't apply.

Give "SimplyMEPIS" ago. []

Debian based, KDE desktop[gnome too], all the applications a new linux user needs,

Firefox, Openoffice, Gimp, Kmail [it is easy to install Thunderbird or Evolution], Xine, Xmms,digicam, Samba and more...

Comes on 1 live CDrom, can be downloaded from many places, or order on line.

Install time, 15 minutes on new PC [AMD64 +3000-512mb-80gHDD] or about 45-60 minutes on older hardware.

Needs at least 2.5g HD, 128meg RAM, 300mhz CPU to be usable.


The install is done once you have booted the computer from the CDrom.

Booting from the CD will take you to a fully working desktop [with applications ready to use] that can be used with out touching your current setup or even needing a HDD [runs in memory only] allowing you to test things, see if you hardware is detected etc or just to use for normal PC use, surf the internet, write letters, listen to music etc.


To install you click on a link/icon on the desktop and the GUI installer starts, 1 reboot and the bliss begins.


More info and download links.



MEPIS Forums



happy Debian user loving MEPIS setup, it is SimplyMEPIS bliss



Ubuntu is installed.


It's a little quicker but not much. Evolution is excruciating to use.


So anyway, I'm back to looking for more memory.


I still need to get gnuCash installed since it doesn't appear to be an option. Neither was wine both these were options on install in Fedora. I'm familiar with rpm's in Fedora. But not familiar with how Ubuntu installs stuff. So I'm going to do more reading.


It did find my wireless card and set it up without me having to do anything. In FC 4 I had to configure and compile driver. So that was nice.

Congrats! Just head on over to and then you'll see how to get more stuff working.

Quote:Ubuntu is installed. 

It's a little quicker but not much.  Evolution is excruciating to use. 

[img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_dry.png[/img] this isn't my experience (as before 333Mhz 128Mb), and evolution opens fine :/ i wonder if your RAM has faults in it? check the output from the command "dmesg", also maybe take the time to run a memtest check on your RAM?


Quote:So anyway, I'm back to looking for more memory.

Ya, depressing that it doesn't seem to handle well for you :(


Quote:I still need to get gnuCash installed since it doesn't appear to be an option.  Neither was wine both these were options on install in Fedora. I'm familiar with rpm's in Fedora.  But not familiar with how Ubuntu installs stuff.  So I'm going to do more reading.

Use 'Synaptic' to install/search/remove packages (it's a GUI to apt).


Quote:It did find my wireless card and set it up without me having to do anything.  In FC 4 I had to configure and compile driver.  So that was nice.

One plus point then ;)


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