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Suse update issues



anyweb asked that I post an email I sent to him earlier today. The email is shown below.


-------------------Begin paste of email


Dear anyweb,


I recently started playing with linux on an older Dell Laptop. It is a CPI

D266XT. That is an old Pentium II machine

with only 128 Meg of Ram and a 4.3 Gig hard drive.


I had been running W2k on it but I wanted to try linux.


My first attempt at linux was with Fedora Core 4. Fedora Core 4 worked after

quite a bit of tinkering to get the

US Robotics 802.11g wireless card working. I had to install ndiswrapper and

play with the settings a bit.


One thing that Fedora absolutely refused to configure was the Crystal sound

system. It is a CS4237B chip which

should be supported by CS4236. Unfortionately it looks like Kudzu has some

severe bugs when it comes to older

isa plug and play devices like this sound card.


Since I work with Novell servers on a daily basis I decided to try Novell's

Suse Linux and let Fedora "season" a



Suse 9.3 appears to be a pretty good distro. It had support for the wireless

card with the exception that I had to

install the firmware binary file from US Robotics WXP driver download. Once

that was installed the card came

to life. The sound card ended up taking a little trial and error as I found

out there were several chipset files that

might work. I ended up with a slightly older file working better than the

default file.


Everything seemed to be really rosey until I fired up Yast and told it to

update my system. I used the default selections

of Yast in so far as the security updates and the recommended updates. I

watched as Yast downloaded and installed

the updates. After I rebooted my system, however, I found that I no longer

went automatically to the KDE

displaymanager. Instead I was thrown into a simpler and not very pretty

displaymanager. I searched quite a few

websites and forums and found out others had a simular problem after

updating their SUSE 9.3 with Yast.


Your website was the first one that pointed out the easy fix of editing the

/etc/sysconfig/displaymanager file. My file

was also set to xdm instead of kdm. Once I made that change the system

booted up and went directly to KDE

like it used to.


I can only guess the displaymanager file was updated and for some reason the

older default of xdm was used in the

updated file, probably by mistake.


Thanks again for posting your experience with SUSE 9.3 .






----------------end of paste of email----------------


I hope this is usefull for someone




thanks :)


and welcome to the forums





Hey, anyone.


Do you think this might be related to my problem:




BTW, I couldn't find an XFree86 config file either. Does any1 have any suggestions on how I can update Linux successfully with YaST?




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