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release/renew ip
well u know how windows have its ipconfig.... i was wondering if linux has something similar in terminal (so that i dont have to go to website to view my ip when i ahve to) and also... how to release/renew ip and the command for it >_> lol



Try ifconfig as Root.

This will list your network interfaces.


ifup [interface_name] to start up one of the listed interfaces

ifdwon [interface_name] to bring down one of the listed network interfaces


Ive only been using linux a week, and still a wicked newbie, but I found this wonderful page with tons of commands and info: [/url][url=]





Quote:well u know how windows have its ipconfig.... i was wondering if linux has something similar in terminal (so that i dont have to go to website to view my ip when i ahve to) and also... how to release/renew ip and the command for it >_> lol

If you are under a router, then its the router that is aware of its external IP, not your system. Therefore you will need to query it to find out.


Also to renew:

/etc/init.d/network restart


That will restart the networking scripts..


If you want to get your public IP from a terminal check this thread. You could add an alias to your ~/.bashrc:


alias myip="wget -q && grep displaycopy index.html|cut -d\' -f2 && rm -f index.html"


Afterwards you can retrieve your public IP with the 'myip' command. :)


cool thx :)

but wat about releaseing and renewing ip like in windows if i ever need to renew my ip for a new ip


Quote:but wat about releaseing and renewing ip like in windows if i ever need to renew my ip for a new ip
Either you restart your network as znx suggested or you run the following commands (first one not neccessary at all but you wanted the release, too):


ifconfig eth0 down
dhclient eth0


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