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CGI Problem !

Hi guys,


Ive already asked around on mirc but no1 could answer my question.


Now for my problem :)


Im running on a fedora core 3. with apache/php etc installed.


Now i installed CGIIRC a week ago and could launch it without any problems.


But 2/3 days ago i rebooted my pc and now it stopped working.. all i get is some txt from the cgi, the permissions are all on 755.




Any idea's ? i hope so cause im all out of mine.


Thanks in advance :)


The "text" that you are seeing is the perl source that runs CGI:IRC. This means that your web server isn't running the code, instead it is just serving the pages.


All the files in the "cgi-bin" folder should be recongized as scripts. Look for "ScriptAlias" in your apache config and see if its set for your cgi-bin directory.


Also you might want to ensure that CGI is enabled on the server.


Quote:The "text" that you are seeing is the perl source that runs CGI:IRC. This means that your web server isn't running the code, instead it is just serving the pages. 

All the files in the "cgi-bin" folder should be recongized as scripts. Look for "ScriptAlias" in your apache config and see if its set for your cgi-bin directory.


Also you might want to ensure that CGI is enabled on the server.


Scriptalias is pointed to my cgi-bin folder and its enabled, i can post my httpd.conf here if you got some time to take a look at it.. i seriously think theres nothing wrong with it but im a noob so i cant be really sure.


Thanks for your reaction :)i really apriciate it :)


Quote:Scriptalias is pointed to my cgi-bin folder and its enabled, i can post my httpd.conf here if you got some time to take a look at it.. i seriously think theres nothing wrong with it but im a noob so i cant be really sure.

Ok, that is strange as when ScriptAlias is set correctly it should think everything in the directory is a script to be executed.


You can attach it as a file (click on the "Add Reply" then goto "File Attachments" and then click to add the post and you will get something like [ attachment = number ]).


Also check that you don't have any /cgi-bin/.htaccess screwing around with the settings.. ?


Quote:<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentcommentid="7532" data-ipsquote-username="Roach" data-cite="Roach" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="2097" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Scriptalias is pointed to my cgi-bin folder and its enabled, i can post my httpd.conf here if you got some time to take a look at it.. i seriously think theres nothing wrong with it but im a noob so i cant be really sure.

Ok, that is strange as when ScriptAlias is set correctly it should think everything in the directory is a script to be executed.


You can attach it as a file (click on the "Add Reply" then goto "File Attachments" and then click to add the post and you will get something like [ attachment = number ]).


Also check that you don't have any /cgi-bin/.htaccess screwing around with the settings.. ?


there aint no .htaccess in cgi-bin ..


there is 1 in cgi-bin/cgiirc/.htaccess

<files cgiirc.config>
<limit GET POST>
  allow from all

Directoryindex irc.cgi


and theres 1 in cgi-bin/cgiirc/modules/.htaccess


allow from all


my httpd.conf : [/url][url=]


theres also a httpd.conf~ in that dir.. should i delete that or ?


i installed everything (apache, php, mysql) into /usr/local/eflicta/



Its strange that it all worked, but when i rebooted it didnt anymore.


Btw, Really cool that your trying to help me out :)


OK.. try adding in an entry for the cgi to make it handle the extension .cgi


# cgi-bin
<Directory "/usr/local/eflicta/apache/cgi-bin">
Options +ExecCGI
    SetHandler cgi-script
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all


You already have this <Directory> entry.. all we are changing is the Options line...




OMG ! ... we got it working! ..


Was missing:

LoadModule cgi_module modules/


haha woot :)


Quote:OMG ! ... we got it working! ..  

Was missing:

LoadModule cgi_module modules/



haha woot :)



Kinda strange tough that a reboot takes a command like that out :S


Thanks a million !


znx helped me out with 3 Problems so far ! :) he tah man ! :)


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