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Dual booting

Basically, i want to have a dual boot with windows and linux. now with suse, i take it i need to install windows first, then the GRUB bootloader will find windows?


now to my next problem. ive had problems installing mythtv. i always get a connect to database error in the setup. this is with suse. is there a linux distro out there, thats is well used, easy to install myth/comes preinstalled with myth, and has an update system like synaptic or yast? im a noob to linux and ive only just got used to using suse. in previous experience, ive not liked aptitude for getting apps. does knopmyth come with a GUI package downloader? or mythdora?


just to recap, i deffo want windows installed, and i want to be able to use mythtv. im willing to dual boot knoppmyth with suse just to get tv functions. but id rather just have everything tidy into one linux package.




Quote:Basically, i want to have a dual boot with windows and linux. now with suse, i take it i need to install windows first, then the GRUB bootloader will find windows? 

now to my next problem. ive had problems installing mythtv. i always get a connect to database error in the setup. this is with suse. is there a linux distro out there, thats is well used, easy to install myth/comes preinstalled with myth, and has an update system like synaptic or yast? im a noob to linux and ive only just got used to using suse. in previous experience, ive not liked aptitude for getting apps. does knopmyth come with a GUI package downloader? or mythdora?


just to recap, i deffo want windows installed, and i want to be able to use mythtv. im willing to dual boot knoppmyth with suse just to get tv functions. but id rather just have everything tidy into one linux package.



i don't know of a distro offhand that has myth builtin. your mysql errors could be either that you haven't setup the database .. or that it isnt running..


you are correct .. windows first .. linux second.. if you can get myth working from livecd .. it is possible from your standard linux setup to.


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