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playing video... in Suse 10.1

So.....ummmm........... this "friend" of mine can't watch movies in his Suse 10.1 Laptop because of codec issues, how would I.... I mean he be able to watch movies in it?


Seriously though, I can't even get a DVD to play in suse. None of my downloaded movies will work in Suse, and I have to boot into windows just to watch the movies I took with my digital camera. How do I load DivX, AVI, MPEG4 files and such in a way that they'll load? I really am going nuts without my multi-media, and I spose I'd be dying if I were really into porn, but I've got better things to spend my time on, like learning how to use this blasted OS so I don't have to rely on Mister Gates to run my PCs.


porno? dude.. he should be ashamed of himself, this objektifikation of women, sikkens me... really it does. (yes i am a dude).



you shoudl be able to fidn these through yast, just search for them.. {mplayer and libdvdcss}


###if not###


for videos, i'd rekomend mplayer [ [/url] ] you'll need the codec pack from the website as well.. both are on the same page...


libdvdcss for dvd decryption [ ]



you migth also wanna get teh vlc player.. it's better at plkaying windpows movies in teh asf format.. and porlly better with dvd playback as well, but deos not support as much video as mplayer..


[ [url=] ]

Well, neither program was in my Yast, so I tried downloading them from the websites, and I am going stark raving mad trying to install this mplayer program. It keeps telling me that it can't find some help file in a certain directory, but it's right where it's supposed to be, and the log it tells me to find doesn't exist. I'm going crazy.

well i found a link for some suse rpms [ [/url]]


btw are you sue you're running from the correct directory, cos mplayer extracts to a dir~ MPlayer-1.0pre8 - - - - -


anyways.. hope the link above works...






you may also need to add yast online sources to the db, because it can only search from the dvd by default...



i would copy important bits from this thread but it's seems too long so here's a link to how that can be done along with some useful sources to add..


[ [url=] ]



missing sources may be why you got no result fro it through yast..

might i also recommend kaffeine.. tis another good one.. and oh.. mpayer may be available under different names like.. gmplayer or kmplayer


hope all goes well this time..


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