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switches and routers

I'd like to set up a network in which I have a web server hooked up to the internet, and then a bunch of other machines on an "internal" Gigabit network which do not have access to the internet (I'm trying to set up a database cluster). So it goes something like this:


cable modem




web server


Gb switch


DB1 ...


Unfortunately, the switch doesn't seem to work unless I also hook it up to the router (the ethernet card in DB1 doesn't initialize). I have the feeling I'm fundamentally not grokking something here - do I need a router instead of a switch? All networking hardware is NetGear (GA311 cards, ProSafe VPN firewall, GS608 switch), and I'm using RedHat FC5. Any thoughts?


One more note - I haven't hooked the web server to the switch yet. I thought I'd try to get the switch working first. Would this make a difference?




why not just connect the webserver direct to the adsl modem, and only have port 80 open via iptables.


that way its internet connected and everything after it (router+switch) can do whatever you wish


This is a development setup - the production setup is actually something like:


router (the hosting company controls this)


hardware firewall


load balancer


web server 1 ....




DB1 ...


So, I'm trying to understand what the final setup is going to be like, without "cheating" on my local config.


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