2006-09-27, 08:26 PM
Hello, I have searched your website for an answer to this question, with no luck, so I am posting this to your members. How
do I make a bootable iso using K3B as a front end to cdrecord? The iso I am trying to make is one of five Solaris 10 OS CDs. Once I have made the CD from an unzipped file sol-10-u2-ga-x86-vX-iso.zip (where X is 1-5) I place it in my cdrom and reboot, but it is ignored and the system boots from the already-installed Centos OS on the hard drive.
Using cdrecord does not work; system doesn't recognize LUN 0,0,0
There is a screenshot of my K3B API at [/url][url=http://www.zonnker.com/noobie.jpg]http://www.zonnker.com/noobie.jpg I did not do anything to change the default configuration of the K3B tool.
Media is a SONY CD-R 700 MB
OS: Centos 2.6.9-34.0.2.EL #1 Fri Jul 7 19:24:57 CDT 2006 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
CD burner K3B 0.11.14
boot sequence: 1. CDROM 2. USBDISK 3. HDE (hard drive)
command to unzip: unzip sol-10-u2-ga-x86-v1-iso.zip (No arguments) which produces a sol-10-u2-ga-x86-v1.iso which I burn to CD with K3B
I don't believe this is a Solaris issue, since I have found Knoppix, downloaded and burned in a similar fashion, produces the same results.
Many thanks for your help.
Charles T. Dillard