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Guday Everybody,

I am Brian from Nth London, and used to live in Australia.

Looks like I have a lot to learn and read,

Cheers to you all and all the Very Best For 2007

Mr Nobby


Heya .. welcome to the forums Brian, there is always a lot to learn with the transition but its all worth it in the end! Hope you like it here and enjoy Linux. You can join us only with IRC if you want some "real time" help or just plug away with questions here on the forum.


Thanks for signing up!


welcome to the forums brian !


what linux distro are you interested in ?


Quote:welcome to the forums brian ! 

what linux distro are you interested in ?

Many thanks for the welcome to the forum.

I've tried a few Distos in the past but now I am into SUSE Sled 10

I have been updateing as many packets as I can through Guru and Packman.

Mr Nobby


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