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little big problem

hi i am using fedora core 5 and am trying to run the software update but it will not run...if i let it run for 5 mins it'll say cannot connect and when i try to x out it has to force quit.....


i am working behind a proxy/firewall with the settings: (fake) but i went to put it in to the network proxy, then i tried it again and it won't work...


next ti tried to install wine but got the same error!

hi can you please describe your problem better, are you trying to update your software using yum or some other method ? if so what ? and is your problem related to the fact that you are behind a proxy ?

If you are using yum, try doing this in a terminal.


# export http_proxy=
# yum update


If that works, let me know and I'll show you how to add it to the yum configuration file.


ok i've tired what u said and this is what i got:

Quote:[Dan@localhost ~]$ su -Password:

[root@localhost ~]# xport http_proxy=

-bash: xport: command not found

[root@localhost ~]# yum update

Loading "installonlyn" plugin

Existing lock /var/run/ another copy is running. Aborting.

[root@localhost ~]#

@ anyweb


i am trying to run a regual software update in applications> system tools and update...


i've also tried to run the rpm file for wine and it wouldn't go no farther than the same place as the update...i


i believe that it is due to the proxy....

I spotted a typo, you put xport instead of export. Looks like there are other issues too, but I'll leave them to the experts - just pointing out the typo. :)

as regards this


Quote:Loading "installonlyn" pluginExisting lock /var/run/ another copy is running. Aborting.

you'll need to kill the first yum to start again (because yum is ALREADY running)


very easy way:- wait until the first yum is finished doing it's stuff (could take some time)

easy way:- reboot the machine

hard way:-


ps aux |grep yum
kill -9 PID


where pid=the process identifier for yum


like in this example


[root@localhost ~]# ps aux |grep yum
root      5534 39.7  4.8  41976 31148 pts/1    R+   21:23   0:04 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/yum -y update
root      5536  0.0  0.1   3884   660 pts/2    R+   21:23   0:00 grep yum

[root@localhost ~]# kill -9 5534


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