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I have an old..really slow comp that runs on windows 98

ok i have this dinosaur of a comp which i bought in like the year 2000.. it runs on windows 98

and its really slow... Ive stopped using it for years...and now have a laptop...


but just recently someone suggested i install linux.. so im jus wondering if this would be a good idea

(to be installing linux into an old comp???)



i dont mind losing the old a** software thats inside of the comp... all i need the old comp for

is so that the rest of my family can use to get on the internet... at the moment everyones on been using

my laptop... grrrrrrr [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_mad.gif[/img]


please help.. the version of linux i ordered was version 6.06 LTS


Ubuntu [/url][url=] (version 6.06 LTS) will run slow on that box, you didnt say how much ram it had, or the processor or hdd size


can you give us that info ?


a slow computer from 2000 with windows 98 on it will still be slow today especially if you install a modern linux distro on it


however, if ubuntu runs on it, then at least you'll be secure on the internet as long as you update it





Quote:Ubuntu [/url][url=] (version 6.06 LTS) will run slow on that box, you didnt say how much ram it had, or the processor or hdd sizecan you give us that info ?


a slow computer from 2000 with windows 98 on it will still be slow today especially if you install a modern linux distro on it


however, if ubuntu runs on it, then at least you'll be secure on the internet as long as you update it





ram: 64mb sd ram memory

processor: intel pentium lll processor


wats hdd? im guessing hard drive? which is 30 gb


if you can bump up the ram to 256MB or more then ubuntu should run 'ok' on this unit, 64mb ram is WAY too little ram for any linux distro running X (gnome)


good luck !





I expect that "thumbo" has got his computer up and running by now, but anyone else in the same situation should check out


That wouldl be fine on a P3 with 64MB -- it would be content with a P1.


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