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what does your nick mean ?

hi all,


well you all have a nick either on IRC or here on the forums,


most of us pick something that isn't our real name for obvious reasons, but why did you pick it and what (if anything) does it mean ?


to help you along, i'll explain where 'anyweb' (my nick) came from..




a long long time ago when the intraweb/internet was being formed (oh ok, around 1995) I was getting online using netscrape and doing some odd-jobs for people,


The 'jobs' were what I was interested in at the time were web-design and all things related (sparetime as I already had a computer job) so I did a few websites and made some nice money. While I was at it I thought about putting together a logo/website etc but only got started and never did anything (apart from create a few photoshopped 'anyweb' logos), however what I did come up with was..........





which was short for 'anyweb site' design you need (or something like that)


so that's where I got/made anyweb from !


now tell us about your nick :)


The astute amongst you will notice that I also use the following nicks > webany (duh, it's anyweb reversed) and any_web and web_any (if i'm on multiple computers, which funnily enough i usually am)






moveax - Intel CPU instruction 'mov' and the 32-bit CPU register EAX. I used to code a lot of assembly and it just kind of stuck.




Mine is german...

Ritter means knight,.. I also am know to use:

edler rittersmann


Way back in the good ol' days, when the intarwebz was still like the wild west, I quite enjoyed some activities which

included the use of apps such as nmap and the like...Scan applications. Given the time and my younger age, it was

in all interests to be "eLiTe", and everyone knows you can't be fully l33t without an x in your name somewhere (lol).


Hence: Sxan


The RR comes from riding motorcycles, I was riding a CBR900RR at the time.


Hence: SxanRR

hijinks is a nick my next door neighbor said I should use when we signed up for AOL to look at porn when we were 13-14.. It stuck on IRC and then I had a lot of hacker newbies keep msging me all day long so I typed two random characters one day and jY stuck.. its been like that for around 10 years now
Mine has no real deep meaning. In real life my name is Mark, however there was a couple of Mark's at my age of school, so I would up getting called "Mak" (sounds like Mac). If you take mak and rot13 it, you get znx. The reason for the using rot13 is that I was coding a function to do just that at the time. I have gone by various others but znx / znxster is by far the one that has stuck.

Quote:Mine has no real deep meaning. In real life my name is Mark, however there was a couple of Mark's at my age of school, so I would up getting called "Mak" (sounds like Mac). If you take mak and rot13 it, you get znx. The reason for the using rot13 is that I was coding a function to do just that at the time. I have gone by various others but znx / znxster is by far the one that has stuck.

so what would you get if you ROT13 mark ?


Quote:Mine is german...Ritter means knight,.. I also am know to use:

edler rittersmann

but why did you pick it ? are you german in some way ?


Here's source of nick




And of course anyone who has EVEr interacted with me knows I picked it because that's exactly how I act.


I use the Nickname xDamox because the damn thieves [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_mad.gif[/img] on IRC seem to have taken "Damo" :( which is my

Nickname, as it short for Damian :)


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