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want to learn to use linux

So I want to learn to use linux. So what is the best linux for a beginner? Fedora or ubuntu? I want to lean that language what linux uses. Before I have used ubuntu only to try beryl.


Sorry for my bad English.


what are you planning to do with linux ? if you want to learn how to compile stuff then go with fedora, if you just want to use linux for everyday use then try out ubuntu or fedora


cheers and welcome to the forums

I agree with anyweb. I first tried Ubuntu and found it easy to use, but I didn't feel like I was learning much about linux. When I switched to Fedora I found that although there were a few more things I had to take care of manually I learned a lot more and it is still an easy distro to use and learn on. I would say try Fedora if you are comfortable using computers.

You can always dual-boot. This means that you install both Fedora and Ubuntu!

Or use live CDs and see which one you find better on first impressions etc




I'm a noob like you, but if you want an easy and quick to install distro that gives you a lot of stuff to use try Ubuntu or maybe Kubuntu, it really helped me a lot. Ubuntu It's relatively easy to use for us noobs, and helps you get the comfy if you have used windows for a loooong time, but as someone said, if you want to learn linux choose anything else.





Ubuntu is great for newbies to linux as it has a wide support on the internet but then i had my take on linux with ubuntu didnt like it that much .. went to mandriva .. enjoyed it then i went on to trying many other distros like suse,kubuntu,dreamlinux,pclinuxos,fedora core and am now in fedora 10 its really nice

!!so for learning linux you need to decide upon a distro and google and forum in every small thing you want to know .. and then you gradually learn your ways through it :)


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