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SATA in SuSE 11.0 64-bit

I have an ASUS f8VA. When it came, all I wanted to do was install SuSE 11 on it. It took me hours of scouring forums and rebooting and re-burning what I thought were corrupt DVD images, when I learned that I needed to change the IDE setting in my BIOS to "compatibility mode" instead of "enhanced mode". The problem is that when I reboot into Windows, I first need to change the BIOS back into enhanced mode. The same goes for Linux: I need to change BACK to compatibility mode in the BIOS and reboot AGAIN to start Linux.


From what I can gather, this is because of problems with Linux and SATA. Google will give me nothing, except more definitions of the problem. Can anybody else help me?


when you boot back into windows is it XP ?


if so I can help

No, it's 32-bit Vista Home Premium. I don't have the time or motivation to dig up XP drivers for this thing, and Vista runs decently well on it. I just need it for certain programs I use for school, I'd like to use Linux for everything else.

try opening device manager, locate and double click on the hard disc controller *change driver* from SATA or whatever it\s listed as to Standard Dual Channel PCI/IDE


then you should be able to reboot and boot with the bios set to enhanced (or vice versa)


try it !





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