2008-12-24, 10:07 PM
Hello all,
I'd like to start this off by saying I apologize for making my first post such a cry for help, but that is really what it is. This being "linux-noob", I hope you are used to it to the extent of helping.. haha.
I'm currently working on a laptop, booted into a live linux cd (slackware based distrib).
I have a NTFS drive mounted as /mnt/mswin, and my goal is to bring a file local to that file system into my home folder so I can email it, put it on a USB key, whatever. I am convinced this hard drive is about to crap the bed, and who's laptop it is needs this one file - thats it.
I know I formatted the mv command wrong, but here is what I did =
~# cd /mnt
mnt # mkdir mswin
mnt # mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 mswin -o force
mnt # ls
floppy/ hdc/ live/ mswin/ sda1/
mnt # cd mswin/Documents\ and\ Settings/Owner/My\ Documents/
My Documents # ls
My\ Music/ RCT3/ desktop.ini* meagan\ story.wps* tm.xlr*
george\ washington.wps*
(The file I need to get is 'george\ washington.wps')
My Documents # mv george\ washington.wps /desktop
My Documents # ls
My\ Music/ RCT3/ desktop.ini* meagan\ story.wps* tm.xlr*
(The file is gone. Where is it!? I typed in that command wrong!)
And I can't find the right file through any relevant search I can try:
/ # find / -name george*
/ # find / -name *.wps
/ # find / -name /desktop (haha)
Please help me out... =\