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An Updated image.

I just saw it was a Fedora 8 screenshot I last posted. Seems like such a long time ago. I thought I'd add my current Fedora 10 Desktop.



edit: no longer hosted :(


With running Applications:

edit: no longer hosted :(


Firefox and Opera:

edit: no longer hosted :(


I tend to stick with OS X style themes these days, simply because they are easy to match up in all areas of Linux. (Gnome, KDE theme, QT, Firefox, Opera etc..) I'm running Gnome-Do with the Docky theme (Gnome-Do 0.80) and its by far the best dock application I've used on Linux so far.

nice shots, now where's your Fedora 11 screenies :)

Quote:nice shots, now where's your Fedora 11 screenies :)

I was on a mission to only add screen shots for even number Fedora releases! For you I'll make an exception Anyweb :P

Truth be told, real life has had me busy and just as its settling back down, I'm coming down with a cold :(


Desktop with Gnome-Do showing:


[Image: Fedora11_linuxNoob.jpg]


Desktop, Widget Factory, Nautilus and System Monitor:


[Image: Desktop_linuxNoob.jpg]


Spinning Cube:


[Image: spinning.screenshot.linuxnoob.jpg]


While I'm here, may as well update this post.


Fedora 13 x86_64, not much has changed, just evolved I think. Theme is edited, I've changed to AWN from Gnome-Do. I still use Compiz but have disabled wobbly windows and a few other things, I still use a number of animated effects though. I have an ASUS Xonar DS, because of this I required Kernel 2.6.34 which is not yet released for Fedora 13, as you will see its working well.


Desktop: Gnome, running an updated version of the conky script from above. AWN, and an updated theme.


[Image: linux-noob-fedora_13-desktop.jpg]


Google Chrome: I've dropped Firefox, I was never happy with Firefox in Linux. Its a great browser in Windows but always seems sluggish when using the Linux versions. Yes, I'm also using Windows 7. (New job, I'm required to use it now and again..)


[Image: Linux-Noob-Fedora_13.jpg]


Widget Factory: Just really to show how my theme has changed since Fedora 11. I really do enjoy this, it has custom edits to suite my tastes, like the menu bar didn't work on transparent, little things like that.


[Image: linux-noob-fedora_13-widgetfactory.jpg]




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