2009-08-08, 07:20 PM
hi all
as part of the server complete overhaul, i'm now for the first time separating webalizer stats for my websites (virtualhosts)
as I havn't done this before perhaps i am doing it wrong so please let me know if thats the case
i've had to create a webalizer.conf for site A (this one) and in the conf file i have the options i want...
now the next bit is telling cron to run it, i already see there is a cron job in /etc/cron.daily/00webalizer so i edit it to point to the linux noob website location and tell it to look for those log files plus point it to the stats directory
it works, i now have stats for linux-noob.com only,
so, do I create a separate conf file for each site in turn and create a separate cron job for each ? why is there a 00 infront of this cron job ?