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Upgrade to Fedora 29

Upgrading Fedora 28 Workstation to Fedora 29


Using the command line

This method is the recommended and supported way to upgrade from Fedora 28to Fedora 29. Using this plugin will make your upgrade to Fedora 29 simple and easy.


1. Update software and back up your system

Before you do anything, you will want to make sure you have the latest software for Fedora 28 before beginning the upgrade process. To update your software, use GNOME Software or enter the following command in a terminal.

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh

Additionally, make sure you back up your system before proceeding. 


2. Install the DNF plugin


sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade

3. Start the update with DNF

Now that your system is up-to-date, backed up, and you have the DNF plugin installed, you can begin the upgrade by using the following command in a terminal:


sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=29


This command will begin downloading all of the upgrades for your machine locally to prepare for the upgrade. If you have issues when upgrading because of packages without updates, broken dependencies, or retired packages, add the ‐‐allowerasing flag when typing the above command. This will allow DNF to remove packages that may be blocking your system upgrade.


4. Reboot and upgrade

Once the previous command finishes downloading all of the upgrades, your system will be ready for rebooting. To boot your system into the upgrade process, type the following command in a terminal:


sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

Your system will restart after this. Many releases ago, the fedup tool would create a new option on the kernel selection / boot screen. With the dnf-plugin-system-upgrade package, your system reboots into the current kernel installed for Fedora 29; this is normal. Shortly after the kernel selection screen, your system begins the upgrade process.


Now might be a good time for a coffee break! Once it finishes, your system will restart and you’ll be able to log in to your newly upgraded Fedora 29 system.


Thanks for posting! :)  I stepped away from fedora a few years back because during upgrades  stuff kept breaking.

Ran on Scientific Linux for a while, but running Ubuntu and Debian now, never had any problems with upgrading since.


I have not has any problem, it was pretty straight forward. I have Raspbian (Debian base) on Respberry Pi and there isn't any problem tho.

When I first start Linux for the first time. first Distro I used is Redhat 7 (code name: Guinness - release 2000). That how I stick with RedHat family. I also do like Gentoo but too long to build lol. 


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