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what does your nick mean ?

Mine is not too difficult to figure out. I've been posting to various forums around the Internet under this nick for almost 10 years now.


I've often thought that someone should set up a service (much in the same way that Web domain names are registered) to register nicks.


Quote:I've often thought that someone should set up a service (much in the same way that Web domain names are registered) to register nicks.
I think that was the idea of Microsoft's passport and some AOL stuff, although I understand there's ways of centrally-authenticating a facebook/twitter/myspace login.


Don't use any of those myself, so I'm not too clued-up on them, unfortunately...

my nickname comes from when i first saw Predator, and Predator II. then i saw AvP. i just thought predator was a badass and wished i could be like them. i guess i was trying to make it like, i am a predatorian, like im an italian (for example, im not really italian). it kinda grew into a name cause people i played against in some games said it sounded "fierce" and i hunted like a predator in the games also. so in all essence, its a gamer name. sometimes ill throw a 3 on the end if in the unlucky case someone happened to have the same name as me. 3 is also a joke with my buddies cause we all agree that pi==3, and that its the /ofallevil
I choose my nickname when I reistered in a support forum for the 1st time as it sounde (and still does) appropriate for me. :/

Glancing at the forums this morning, I saw:

what does your nick mean ?

I had to check that more closely before realising what it said! :)


Welcome to the forums!


(if your knowledge begins to improve, will you be changing your nick to "IdoKnowAndCanHelpYou"...? ;)

My nickname basically means downloading. You download bits/bytes etc. Feedmebits= feed my computer data :)

For some reason, I thought of Audrey...

[Image: LittleShopWeb0308.jpg]


noob.fl means = noob for life :)


its because in the most themes im interestet for, im an "advanced user", but not a professional... it goes from Music (i know how to made music with FL Studio ore something, but can not read notes or play any instrument), about computer (ask me about tweaking the windows, but never ask me about Networkconfigurations)... its in ervery part of my life thisway... so... im noob.fl ;)


I drive a Chevrolet Volt. Nothing exciting, but I didn't care to get real deep. Pretty boring. I know.



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