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Text scrolling off the screen?

This is actually no tutorial in a real sense. It is a simple tip which many newcomers would appreciate. Most of the Linux commands that you type create a lot of text at the output, and generally this text scrolls off the screen. Pressing the <Up Arrow> key simply gets the last command executed and doesn't let you see the text that scrolled up the screen. So how do you do it??


Solution :


You have to press <Shift> + <Up Arrow> keys to scroll the screen in the upward direction. Similarly once you have scrolled up you can use the <Shift> + <Down Arrow> key to scroll downwards. Alternatively you can press <Shift> + <Page Up> to scroll one page at a time and <Shift> + <Page Down> would scroll down a page at a time.


Once you have scrolled many pages upwards if you want to come back to the prompt you can simply leave the <Shift> button and press any other key such as <Page Down> or <Page Up> or the <Right Arrow> or <Left Arrow> key.


That's it for this .. I though this tip would be worth adding to this website. Once you know this trick you would be using this almost every time you do some serious stuff in the shell.


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