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new but not new

My name is James Taylor, no not the singer. I am 31 and live here in Utah with my wife and 2 kids, Sarah (3) and Karen (1 month). I am in the USAF and work with Munitions (bombs, missiles, bullets, etc...). Been doing this from 12 years now with only 8 to go until I retire.


Well I guess you can say I am an one of old timers when it comes to computers. Got my first computer in Oct 95 and I still have pieces of it laying around. Infact my Linux Box is using the 4X CD Rom.


I know windows inside and out. At work everyone come to me for help fixing their home computers and work computer due to the fact the computer guys here suck. And now my Dad and brother keep bothering me with their problems.


I have worked with Windows 3.1, 95, 98, 2000, XP Home and Pro, Dos 6.22 and Unix. At work, about 5 years ago, I work with Unix on a AT&T 3B2 system for the USAF. At that point I tried Slackware. That wasn't the easest thing to do with only 1 computer when you need help. Well thanks to Leo who is on TechTV's The Screen Savers I downloaded and install Red Hat 8. Man it is so easy.


Now I am a gamer so I depend on Windows to get my daily fix. If they would make games I like (BF 1942, Nascar 2003, and Joint Ops) for Linux I would change my Desktop over to Linux.


welcome james nice info !


how did you find this site ?





Found it via the #redhat chat room.

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