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I am just wondering any of you use multi-user login for phpMyAdmin. I use login via HTTP which is pop up a login dailog a lot likely .htaccess, but just for mySQL's username ans password.


so i got root works and venom. What i want is, Root to keep Full settings such as "Privileges" access. other user are not supposed to see "Privileges". also i am trying to make user that allow to create databas after thier username such as venom_


so i want to add for forum, so i use venom_forum.


I cannot get it to work it kept apeared "Access Denied" the wild card use backsash like venom\_ it will turn out real undersorce. so i want to add after the undersorce. it won't i've tried to do this venom\_\ it won't write in SQL 's Privileges


Any idea?

don't use '_' in usernames, tablenames, etc.

If i don't use the '_' then how can i create a database?


what i am trying to do is; they can choose whatever they want after the undersore. E.G.


For forums use:









do you know what i mean?


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