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Windows running inside linux

I've seen many screenshots from linux users running windows with wine inside linux (no matter what bistro they were using).

My question is How can I do that and most important is if that the network services from windows work? thats because i have to switch between linux and windows depend of the application i required.



thank you.


sure ly you mean running windows APPLICATIONS using wine in linux,


yes, that works fine for quite a lot of applications, but not all


what applications are you interested in, and what distro of linux are you using/planning on using


to run windows itself (the operating system) within linux, would require a virtual operating system manager tool, like vmware, or perhaps xen (someday)





No, I mean windows within linux.



Using RH9

Win xp sp2


But if i use a virtual operating system manager tool will i have access to network resourses in both OS?.




Its simple most users use VMware that will run the Windows family and run them as if it was on its own machine


Quote:No, I mean windows within linux. 


Using RH9

Win xp sp2


But if i use a virtual operating system manager tool will i have access to network resourses in both OS?.

as xdamox says use vmware,


however, get rid of RH9 as it is EOL (end of life) for a few years now, as in UNSUPPORTED


and that means,


out of date


behind the times


get yourself a copy of Fedora Core release 5, which is the 'modern' day equivalent of RH9, and very nice it is too






I'm still running servers with RH 7.2, for internal process ...




Anyways, thank you.

there is a great program called crossover office it is made by CodeWeavers it is EZ to install and it uses wine and has a nice GUI.

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