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Vemon is back ;)

Most of time i have not been active on IRC for long time, too much things going on with me.. DLA, job and ex g/f etc...


so now I am back!! ;) and using Linux again on my laptop coz i got my wifi to work :)


So i'll need to recap all Linux commands and tricks to remember again. i might forgot some commands coz not been use for over 6 months.


Got new girlfriend now hehe, so happy again LOL. Now all seem a bit settle. but job still no joy :( i'm keeping trying to get a job, i done my education and my skills are standard but they are not taking me on. as they are a f**k bag! alot of disrimmination! [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_mad.gif[/img] all is just so complicate.


Hope you all are well.


well .. wb to the forums and irc [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png[/img]


Quote:So i'll need to recap all Linux commands and tricks to remember again. i might forgot some commands coz not been use for over 6 months.

o_O i need to do this daily .. you mean you remember all this stuff :P


Quote:i'm keeping trying to get a job, i done my education and my skills are standard but they are not taking me on.

sucks, it was the same with me. they always say "You don't have the experience", and you say "Well hired me so I can GET SOME THEN!!!" [img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_mad.gif[/img]


I'm luckily employed now .. so good luck and keep trying ;)


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