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Linux is slow

Well doing good here. Ubuntu 192 Megs of ram seems to be holding up. Typing this from the very computer. THings are quick enough. I came up with 128 meg stick so now have a 128 and a 64 in here. I'm still looking for another 128 stick in my price range (free or there about. :) )




Now she wants Reader Rabbit installed for our daughter.


apt-get install wine

apt-get install winesetuptk


Looks good wine D:setup.exe


Goes clear through until it gets to setting up shortcuts, I get an error that shortcuts cannot be setup and it UNINSTALLS!!! ARG.


Ok I run again,... This time when I get the error I Control C out and try to run it. I get an error saying to put reader rabbits CD in drive and try again. THE CD IS IN THE DRIVE!


So now I"m stuck.


I tried running the program right off the CD and got some other weird error. I don't even know if i'm suppose to be able to run it right off the CD or not since I just looked for an executable that appeared like it might work so I don't if that's important.


Any ideas on what I need to do would be appreciated.




i know its not ideal but try installing it again as root (just to see does it work) if it does its a permissions thing, if not, try googling or checkout [/url][url=]






Quote:Well doing good here.  Ubuntu 192 Megs of ram seems to be holding up.  Typing this from the very computer.  THings are quick enough.  I came up with 128 meg stick so now have a 128 and a 64 in here.  I'm still looking for another 128 stick in my price range (free or there about.  :)  )

Moving forwards :)


Quote:Goes clear through until it gets to setting up shortcuts, I get an error that shortcuts cannot be setup and it UNINSTALLS!!!  ARG. 

Ok I run again,...  This time when I get the error I Control C out and try to run it.  I get an error saying to put reader rabbits CD in drive and try again.  THE CD IS IN THE DRIVE!

This is probably because the CD isn't unmounted (replace /mnt/cdrom with the correct device/path):

# umount /mnt/cdrom


OK... been busy and haven't been able to mess with this awhile.


Mostly wife is happy with the system. One issue, if she leaves firefox running for any long period of time the entire system becomes unresponsive. Honestly it's faster to hit control alt delete for a reboot than go to control alt F1 login as root and try to kill firefox. You can do it but it's soooo slow. Some type of memory leak?


I haven't tried installing again. But I will couple of questions though.


1. Why wouldn't it be able to create the shortcuts? I notice that any program I try to install in wine fails to create shortcuts. Unfortunately this program is set up so if the shortcuts fail to be created as soon as you click OK on the error it begins uninstalling. I tried to get around that by not clicking ok but just killing the install at this point instead hoping that the shortcuts would be the LAST thing to install. But that's besides the point, seams to me the shortcuts SHOULD install.


2. The CD rom needs to be UnMOUNTED? Yes the CD ROM is in the drive and mounted. Why would the CD ROM need to be unmounted? Wouldn't it need to be mounted? Just curious. I believe you and will try it unmounted. Just want to know why it would need to be unmounted.





Quote:Mostly wife is happy with the system. One issue, if she leaves firefox running for any long period of time the entire system becomes unresponsive.  Honestly it's faster to hit control alt delete for a reboot than go to control alt F1 login as root and try to kill firefox.  You can do it but it's soooo slow.  Some type of memory leak?

Ok this is possibly an issue with the 2.6 kernel, I encountered it as well, all you need to do is add "noinotify" to the kernel command line..


Open /boot/grub/grub.lst (or is it grub.conf?)

Look for the line something like

kernel /kernel-BLAH root=BLAH ..... noinotify


Add the noinotify to the end. This might fix the issue. Basically whats happening is that a wee program called gam_server is running away with itself and blowing up the kernel causing whats called a panic. Reboot is the only option after this.


Quote:1.  Why wouldn't it be able to create the shortcuts?  I notice that any program I try to install in wine fails to create shortcuts.  Unfortunately this program is set up so if the shortcuts fail to be created as soon as you click OK on the error it begins uninstalling.  I tried to get around that by not clicking ok but just killing the install at this point instead hoping that the shortcuts would be the LAST thing to install.  But that's besides the point, seams to me the shortcuts SHOULD install.

Wine isn't perfect and a quick glance revealed that does install doesnt work, I know yours seems like a different issue but it doesnt sound hopeful :(


Quote:2.  The CD rom needs to be UnMOUNTED?  Yes the CD ROM is in the drive and mounted.  Why would the CD ROM need to be unmounted?  Wouldn't it need to be mounted?  Just curious.  I believe you and will try it unmounted.  Just want to know why it would need to be unmounted.

Coming from the Windows world you might be a little green to mount/umount issue because Windows cheerfully handles this end all by itself.


If the CD isnt umounted, then its handled somewhat like a read only hard disk and needless to say you cant simply withdraw them :)By umounting you effectively release the disk from linux.



OI.. im the only z around here.. ... .. on no wait z0ny's here too.. BAH :P


A cleaner way of unmounting (and then ejecting) the CD is to either:

1. Right-clicking on the CD icon on the desktop and then clicking Eject

2. Going to Nautilus, clicking on Computer, and then doing the same thing


Quote:A cleaner way of unmounting (and then ejecting) the CD is to either:1. Right-clicking on the CD icon on the desktop and then clicking Eject

2. Going to Nautilus, clicking on Computer, and then doing the same thing


Still confused on this. I know what mounting and unmouting is. You have to mount CD into file system in order to read the CD.


Someone suggested I needed to UNMOUNT the CD in order for wine to be able to find the CD which confused me. I can understand this if wine needs to mount it into a different place than it is already I guess. But if that was the case, why would the install even start? Go figure...


As for ejecting it. Well that's no good cause as soon as I put it in my automount feature would just mount it again. Which defeats the purpose of unmounting the CD.


Still no progress on these issues. But if I get it working I'll let you know.


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