2005-11-13, 03:38 PM
Yea I noticed the damn Ads :( they keep bombarding me :( anyways I wanted to post about webalizer!
ok here goes...
I started doing webalizer myself this week on my web server and I got to says is been a pain.
I edited the /etc/webalizer.conf and change the OutPutDir but with no luck it did not like it
anyways the only way around this was to leave he output directory alone.
So anyweb to install and use webalizer do the following steps.
First you will want to install webalizer
yum -y install webalizer
Once installed open up /etc/webalizer.conf with your favorite editor and uncomment and change the following
LogFile /var/log/httpd/linux-noob-access_log
OutputDir /var/www/usage #anyweb dont touch this because it will not produce the output
ReportTitle Usage Statistics for
HostName linux-noob.com
CountryGraph yes
DailyGraph yes
DailyStats yes
HourlyGraph yes
HourlyStats yes
Once you have done that type the following:
webalizer -c /etc/webalizer.conf
The data will not be placed into /var/www/usage in your web browser type:
you should see the stats if you done edit the following file:
Well that