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Suse Linux OSS 10 review

Just wanted say great things about SUSE 10.

This is my first time trying any version of Linux after being a Windows user for the past 10 years I

must say the initial show was a bit much. This was a week ago.

Yast setup 98.9% of my hardware automatically. That's great.

My dell wireless card didn't work out of the box and still won't even w/ ndiswrapper.

My Cisco wireless card works great!


Once I looked around and got a feel for where things were in Yast I felt right at home.

I'm starting to get a hang of the compiling and installing stuff, but I got a long ways to go to know

what im doing.


Now that I've got the basics set up Im very happy. I was able to install and try both included desktops

and am able to logoff and switch to a different session if I wanna be in KDE or Gnome or something else

different altogether. I certainly found that I prefer the setup of GNOME over KDE.


Also, I wanted to mention that I had installed the SUSE 10 DVD eval from the SUSE website.

It had everything on it. Alotta GNU extras too like GNU Cash for instance. Real Player does play my mp3s, but I didn't the other one you mentioned.


Problems encountered:

Im using a dell d610 laptop.

I attempted to use my dell d-dock port replicator. I setup the dual monitors in YAST, but I must have my KV-

Switch on Linix while it's booting or else I won't be able to return to my system on my monitor.

Sound will not work while on the dock. If I shut down fully and then remove the laptop from the dock sound will

not work.

Fix: I found that if you are still logged in while on the dock to eject it, and restart

Sound is back after the restart.


Heres a few screenshots of my personal setup!

I changed the colors and transperancies of the panels.

I also moved a bunch of the little things around and added geyes to my panel. I laughed when I saw them.

[Image: ss1.png]

With an open window.

[Image: ss2.png]


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