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Finally updated Nvidia drivers, but...

Well, having upgraded to SUSE 10, I thought I would give the Nvidia drivers a go again. They installed without problem. Well, almost.


X works and everything, but I seem to be stuck at 1280x800 @ 60 Hz. I want to (and was running) 1280x960 @ 85 Hz before the driver update. I've tried everything I can think of in SaX2 (the SUSE graphical X config tool). Do I need to modify XF86Config, and if so, what do I change?


I am using a CTX VL951 19" CRT monitor. It definitely can handle 1280x960 @ 85 Hz. I've been running XP at that since I had this monitor.


Cheers for any help,



I've found out that the monitor driver that does work at my required res (CTX PL9 series) disappears after the update, so for now, I've rolled back to the old drivers.

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