2006-02-12, 06:52 PM
I am moving a non-C app (smalltalk) from windows to linux.
Windows has win32 api functions for a lot of things - in particular, window management.
For example, if I have a window's handle, I can SetWindowPos, FlashWindow, GetWindowText, etc.
To get all window handles: EnumWindows
Currently I am trying to figure out how to move windows (programatically) to a specific desktop, and to determine the available desktop size (window size when maximized: the screen size - kicker panels).
In smalltalk, accessing the win32 api's is done by loading a dll ('user32.dll' 'kernel32.dll' 'winmm.dll' 'gdi32.dll' 'psapi.dll' 'advapi32.dll' 'ole32.dll'), then calling the exported function.
Smalltalk provides similar for linux - the 'oracle connect' use 'libclntsh.so'.
What is the general way to do these types of things in KDE/X
Any web sites you can recommend? developer.kde.org didn't really help, but then again, I don't really know what to look for :(
I think maybe libkdeui.so may have what I am looking for, but I didn't see any libkdeui.h - wth?