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Quote:Any reason you couldn't use tail in your emerge status script rather than parsing the whole file? Might make it a bit easier on the resources so this could be used on lower end machines. I definitely plan on trying this once I get my machine up and happy.

The "status" one uses tail .. however you are absolutely correct, the gentoo-current one doesn't, I have amended it to fix it. Many thanks!

Noticed a couple more issues now that I'm attempting to actually implement this, you call your file gentoo-progress in the topic but in the comments of the file its called emerge-progress and apparently in the code it is as well since I got an error until I changed the name. Actually ran into that issue on another file, all of them prefer to be called emerge-* rather than gentoo-*. Like enigma I had to emerge genlop in order for the script to be entirely happy as well. Also, in order for the script to work you DO have to be a member of the portage group, otherwise genlop complains about permissions to the emerge.log. I was wondering if it was possible to somehow have genlop run as the portage user rather than the logged in user as having your user in the portage group (apparently) presents a security risk since someone could emerge/unmerge packages harmful to your system, I don't care much since mine is a personal system with password protection, but perhaps others are using their work machines with this. Other than that its working well and now that I've tweaked it to run its very sweet, now I just hafta fix the alignment and I'll be in heaven. Samurize for Windows, meet Conky for Linux, your very worthy rival.

Quote:...emerge-* rather than gentoo-*...

Doh! Yeah thanks I've fixed that!


Quote:Also, in order for the script to work you DO have to be a member of the portage group

Yup and I agree it is a security risk on a multiuser system. You ask a way around it, the answer to that would be sudo.


Sudo is very capable at providing access to a single command for a single purpose. So you will need to install sudo first (gentoo is missing sudo by default).


# emerge app-admin/sudo


Then for your sudoers file (edited with visudo) do:

User_Alias  GENLOP = znx, dragon, enigma
GENLOP   ALL=(%portage) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/genlop -lnu


Now with that in there, you can do this as any of the listed GENLOP users:

$ sudo -u portage /usr/bin/genlop -lnu


Bing, works! So now it can act in the script. The good thing about this is that I particularly restricted the command to a set option, this in effect ensures that its only that command that the user runs. I should point out that whilst sudo is more secure than having a group but its still not perfect and never treat it as :)


Ok, so MANY thanks dragon, you debugged my howto! yay


[img]<___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_laugh.png[/img] And I have to say once again thanks to you znx, your howto is awesome and giving an example of a solid use for sudo (rather than always opening a terminal and su'ing almost immediately) is a greta kick in the pants to set up and configure sudo which was on my todo list but never made it to the top. The Conky config you've provided is a nifty addition to the Beryl/XGL environment I have going and if I can get the kinks worked out it'll make my transition from Windows to Linux as my desktop OS a lot more rewarding right off the bat.

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