2003-12-11, 05:51 PM
First things first, why would you want to install these fonts ?
Well, the default fonts provided with Red Hat just don't look as 'smooth' and 'clean' as those standard Microsoft TrueType Fonts (especially if you ZOOM into them). This is my own humble opinion of course, but users of Open Office who like to print documents, or just read them clearly on screen will know what I mean.
Ok, I assume that you have access to a Windows machine, if so, copy the TTF fonts from the /fonts directory on your Windows Machine (usually c:\windows\fonts) to a cd or local or network based directory that you can access.
Once you re finished copying the TTF fonts from the Windows machine, we'll start adding them to our Red Hat Linux box.
First lets create a directory in our 'home' user path, so that we can access the fonts.
Login as normal user (you probably already are, if you are reading this - don't surf as root ;-)) and open a console.
type this:-
mkdir ~/.fonts
This instruction might look a bit odd so i'll explain it.
mkdir creates a new folder called 'fonts'
~/ points the directory location to your home user path (for example /home/anyweb)
'.' (dot without the ' marks) makes the directory hidden from view.
Let's copy those fonts now:-
[anyweb@c-76aa70d5 anyweb]$ cp /home/anyweb/download/ttf/Microsoft\ TTF\ Fonts/*.ttf /home/anyweb/.fonts
[anyweb@c-76aa70d5 anyweb]$
and lets check that they are indeed copied :)
cd ~/.fonts
[anyweb@c-76aa70d5 .fonts]$ ls
arialbd.ttf courbd.ttf l_10646.ttf
tahomabd.ttf trebuc.ttf arialbi.ttf
courbi.ttf micross.ttf tahoma.ttf
verdanab.ttf ariali.ttf couri.ttf
palabi.ttf timesbd.ttf verdanai.ttf
arial.ttf georgiai.ttf palab.ttf
timesi.ttf verdana.ttf ariblk.ttf
georgia.ttf palai.ttf times.ttf
verdanaz.ttf comicbd.ttf georgiaz.ttf
pala.ttf trebucbd.ttf webdings.ttf
comic.ttf impact.ttf symbol.ttf
trebucbi.ttf wingding.ttf
Yup we have them now, and in the right place, ok lets add them to Open Office.
login as root by typing su - in a console and then type
click on the Fonts button
click Add
click on the ... button and browse to the folder where the fonts are stored (in my case it's /home/anyweb/.fonts)
click Select and you'll be presented with lots of lovely TTF fonts.
Finally, click Select All and then click OK.
If you are lucky it should say '32 new fonts added'. Test it out by firing up Open Office and selecting your new TTF fonts :)