2006-02-11, 04:28 PM
I successfully created Home.lnk and I now have a Home icon on my desktop :)
table Icon
Caption: Home
Command: rox
Icon: /home/ikaro/.idesktop/home.png # the image to be used as an desktop icon
"Do the same for the other icons you want."
But when trying to make a custom icon/shortcut to xmms for example I get nothing.
table Icon
Captian: xmms
Command: rox
Icon: /usr/whereever/my/xmms/icon/is.png
After I < nohup idesk > /dev/null & >[/b] it doesn't show up on the desktop :(
I followed the instructions on the HOWTO Fluxbox - Icons using iDesk and I can't find any other documentation, not even on their homepage. Am I doing something wrong like perhaps the Command: ?